Outlook, Trends and Future Issues
In the coming years, Canada's transportation system will continue to face previously identified challenges, such as a trade-reliant economy, evolving demography and a relatively small, largely urbanized population spread over a vast area. Canada must remain competitive and align itself with global trade opportunities. The rise of emerging economies such as Brazil, Russia, India and China ( BRIC ) has reshaped global business models and value chains, driving demand for raw materials and energy. Emerging economies—as well as Pacific Rim countries—will remain key players on the global economic agenda. The resulting pressures on the world's resources, renewable and non-renewable alike, will impact the price of global resources; countries with resource potential; and where and how trade takes place. This section takes a qualitative look at the challenges that lie ahead for Canada's transportation system.
Original Article Source Credits: Transport Canada , https://tc.canada.ca/
Article Written By: NA
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Link to Original Article: https://tc.canada.ca/en/corporate-services/policies/outlook-trends-future-issues